
Order 75-89 of December 30, 1975 created the Post and Telecommunications Act, and the responsibilities of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications were laid down in 1983. This assured the implementation of national telecommnications policies. The Ministry is responsible for the regulatory framework, ensuring the monopoly remains unthreatened and assigning spectrum and frequencies.

It also oversees the development and manage-ment of the general network according to specific technical standards, established by itself.

The Minister of Posts and Telecommunication has four technical counsellors who advise on economic and financial areas, links with international bodies, legislation and regulation and security questions. In 1990, the P&T started deregulating some of its activities, particularly with regards to procurement and distribution of equipment. Its role in the supply of consumer equipment is now limited to defining technical standards and the approval of imported equipment.

Only Algerian citizens are allowed to provide Internet services for commercial purposes. Requests to provide such services must be addressed to the Minister of Telecommunication setting out details of proposed services and modes of access. A technical study will specify the architecture, facilities, software, partners as well as modes of connection. The users of foreign provider services are submitted to these same conditions.

The Minister of Post and Telecommunications defines the entire development policy for the sector and proposes all relative regulation. The Ministry monitors the activity of the private enterprises active in the sector, proposes technical regula-tions, establishes employment legislation and lays down standards for the sector.

No telecommunications installation can be estab-lished or used without permission from the Min-istry of Post and Telecommunication.


A new permanent commission has been set up and is in charge of examining license demands and of formulating recommendations in matters of service development. The representative of the Minister of Telecommunications heads the Commission.

Tariffs and policies

The Minister of Post and Telecommunications laid down tariffs in 1983. Inter-city calls of news-papers and press agencies are given a special tariff, while public servants are also given reduced rates.

Freedom and Protection

Privacy, data protection, consumer protection
The Internet provider is obliged to keep confi-dential all information relative to the private life of its subscribers. It is also held accountable for the contents of pages and data servers that it develops and hosts. (Article 14 of the ministerial decree no 98-257 of August 25, 1998 defining conditions and appropriate modes for using and operating Internet services).

Section 303 of the penal code (see Art. 47 and 48 of the Post and Telecommunication code: legisla-tion) punishes all violations of secret correspon-dence trusted to the service of telecommunication.

The confidentiality of conversations through shared lines is assured (Art. 311 of the Post and Telecommunication code: regulation).

Electronic protection, legal protection and security
The distribution of broadcast and frequency utilisation subject to the authority of the Superior Council of Information. (Art. 56 of law no 90-07, 3 April 1990 relative to information).

Freedom of expression and information
The Superior Council of information, an indepen-dent regulatory authority, has been established. It is in charge of specifying regulations surrounding freedom of expression, and is responsible for monitoring all written, spoken, and broadcast information disseminated through the country.

The right to information is well established. There are public sector bodies which assure free expres-sion of opinion and thought. (Art. 2, 3, 10, 14 and 53 of the law no 90-07, 3 April 1990 related to information)

On-going Developments

Ongoing changes in institutional structures
Ministerial decree no 98-82 of February 25, 1998 dealt with the creation of the Centre of Studies and Research on telecommunication, or ‘CERT‘, within the administration of Post and Telecommunications.

Ongoing changes in the regulatory framework
Ministerial decree no 98-257 of August 25, 1998 defined conditions and appropriate ways for set-ting and operating Internet services.

Opening up the ISP sector will have an impact on tariff connections.

IS policies

Law no 98-11 of August 22, 1998 on scientific research and technological development enhances and accelerates the development of national networks of information and telecommu-nication (Art.3)

Current Licences


Ministere des Postes et TelecommunicationsBasic Services, Data, Packet Switching, Leased lines

Ministere des Postes et TelecommunicationsCellular Mobile – NMT900 (GSM Planned)

CERTIInternet services

Government Involvement in the Telecoms Industry

The “CERT” a Research Centre on Telecommu-nications, was created in 1998 (Ministerial decree no 98-82 of February 25, 1998 related to the cre-ation of a research Centre on telecommunication “CERT”) and placed under the authority of the Post and Telecommunication Minister. The Centre undertakes study programs and research for the modernisation of the telecommunication national network, by introducing new technology, developing new equipment and material and setting new methods of development. It updates the validity of technologies to conform to national and international norms.

International relationships and agreements

The transmission service is in charge of relations with the international committee of registration of the UIT frequencies (Art. 11 of the decree n° 83-72 of January 8, 1983 dealing with organisation of the central administration of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications).

Organisations (1)

Ministere des Postes et Télécommunications

Shaun Bakamoso

Greetings. I'm Shaun Bakamoso, and I'm thrilled to be your guide through the dynamic world of business news in South Africa here at mbendi.co.za. With a passion for staying informed and a keen interest in the ever-evolving landscape of business, I've dedicated myself to providing you with timely, insightful, and comprehensive coverage of the latest developments impacting the South African economy. bakamoso@gmail.com / Instagram