MBendi Information Services (Pty) Ltd is a privately owned Internet business publishing, research and consulting company. Based in Cape Town, South Africa, the company uses the Internet to reach a global audience of millions while serving an impressive multinational client base.

MBendi’s website and E-mail news and alert services support the activities of executive decision makers around the world. At the same time, MBendi assists providers of products and services to reach these decision makers in a cost-effective way.

MBendi was founded in 1995 by a small group with extensive worldwide experience of strategic management, information systems, the world energy industry and African business. Although the initial focus was on using the Internet to enable business people to access African business opportunities efficiently, the scope of the company’s activities is now global.

The MBendi website at http://www.mbendi.com/ is Africa’s leading business website, used each month by an international business audience of more than 250,000 people to identify and research business opportunities in Africa and in the resources sector worldwide. MBendi’s E-mail newsletters reach a multinational audience of more than 50,000 people each month, most of whom subscribe in their business capacities. At any time, more than 50 companies use MBendi’s unique advertising services to reach these audiences.

Several thousand websites around the world, including eminent ones such as that of the World Bank, the US Government and Trade Partners UK, include links to the MBendi website. MBendi web pages enjoy a high ranking on major search engines such as Google and Yahoo. An internationally acclaimed African journalist has described MBendi as “Africa’s leading brand name”.

MBendi’s activities have received considerable publicity in African publications such as the Sunday Times’ Business Times, the Financial Mail, Business Day, Computers in Africa, African Ventures, Business Report, Business in Africa, Skynet, and Travel & Trade Publishing. International publications have also taken note of the website: Africa Energy & Mining, the Singapore Strategist, Oil and Gas Journal, Hydrocarbon Processing, and even the Oxford Guide to Writing and Speaking, have all made mention of various developments on the site and recommended it to their readers.

MBendi directors are regularly invited to speak at Internet, energy, trade and African business events both in South Africa and abroad. These include UNCTAD’s conferences on investing in Africa’s energy sector and the Canadian government-sponsored Africa Direct program held in several Canadian cities in 2000.

MBendi was founded in 1995 by a small group of professionals with extensive worldwide experience of strategic management, information systems, the world energy industry and African business. The initial focus was on using the Internet to enable business people to access African business opportunities efficiently. With the arrival of the 21st Century, MBendi has broadened its focus. The Internet has made visible the globalisation of business to the extent that it is impossible to view a company or industry in the context of one country, or even one continent. MBendi is firmly rooted in Africa, and is still committed to Africa and its economic renaissance. But now, MBendi’s mission is to assist companies, wherever they are, to do business throughout the world.

Shaun Bakamoso

Greetings. I'm Shaun Bakamoso, and I'm thrilled to be your guide through the dynamic world of business news in South Africa here at mbendi.co.za. With a passion for staying informed and a keen interest in the ever-evolving landscape of business, I've dedicated myself to providing you with timely, insightful, and comprehensive coverage of the latest developments impacting the South African economy. bakamoso@gmail.com / Instagram