General Information
Organisation Type/Location: Government in Egypt

Related Organisations
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has a share in: Misr Company for Mechanical and Electrical Projects – Cairo, Egypt
has a share in: Telecom Egypt / Egyptian Telecom Company – Cairo, Egypt

has a share in: Sidi Kerir Refinery – Simple Oil Refinery in Sidi Kerir, Egypt
operates: Les Colibris – Asian Restaurant in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (0.5%)
Directors/Managers :: Update :: Upgrade
Minister of Agriculture: Mr A Abaza (Amin)
Minister of Manpower and Immigration: Ms AAH Abdel Ghani (Aisha Abdel Hadi)
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Mr AA Aboul Gheit (Ahmed Ali)
Minister of Justice: Mr M Abu Leil (Mahmoud)
Minister of Water Resources & Irrigation: Mr M Abu Zeid (Mahmoud Abd al-Halim)
Interior Minister: Mr H al- Adly (Habib)
Minister of Interior: HE H al-Adli (Habib)
Minister of Information: Mr A al-Feki (Anas)
Minister of Health & Population: Dr H al-Gabaly (Hatem)
Minister of Education: Mr Y al-Gamal (Youssry)
Minister of Housing,Utilities and New Communities: Mr A al-Maghrabi (Ahmed)
Government Minister: Mr H Al-Shawsh (Hassouna)
Ambassador to the EU: Mr S Awaad (Soliman)
Minister of Finance: Mr Y Boutros-Ghali (Youseff)
Minister of State for Administrative Development: Mr A Darwish (Ahmed)
Minister of Tourism: Mr A el-Maghraby (Ahmed)
Ambassador to the US: Mr N Fahmy (Nabil)
Minister of Oil: Mr S Fahmy (Sameh)
Minister of Youth: Mr A Fiqqi (Anas El)
Government Minister: Mr Z Garana (Zoheir)
Undersecretery for Mineral Resource Affairs: Mr A Ghoneim (Amgad)
Minister of Insurance: Mr AE Guindi (Amina El-)
Minister of Culture: Mr Hosni (Farouq)
Minister of Communications & technology: Mr A Kamel
Minister of Public Works: Mr M Khattab (Mokhtar)
Minister of Supply & Internal Trade: Dr HA Khedr (Hassan)
Minister of State for Environment Affairs: Mr G Maged (George)
Minister of Transport: Mr HS Mansour (Hassan Samir)
Minister of State for Military Production: Mr S Meshal (Sayed)
Government Minister: Mr Y Mohamed (Yusuf)
Minister of Planning: Mr O Mohammed Osman (Osman)
Invetsment Minister: Mr M Moheildin (Mahmoud)
Minister of Investment: Mr M Mohieddin (Mahmoud)
Prime Minister: Mr A Nazief (Ahmed)
Minister of Foreign Trade and Industry: Mr RM Rashid (Mohamed Rashid)
Minister of Environmental Affairs: Mr M Riad (Mamdouh)
Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Resear: Mr A Salama (Amre)
Minister of State for People’s Assembly Affairs: Mr K Shazly (Kamal El)
Minister of State for Consultative Council Affairs: Mr MM Shehab (Moufed Mahmoud)
Minister of State for Local Development: Mr A Shehata (Abdel-Rahim)
People’s Assembly Speaker: Mr AF Sorour (Ahmed)
Minister of Defence: Mr MH Tantawi (Mohammed Hussein)
Minister of Social Affairs: Mr M Tellawi (Mervat)
Minister of Electricity & Energy: Mr HA Younis (Hassan Ahmed)
President: Mr H Mubarak (Hosni)
Egyptian Ambassador to South Africa: Ms H Islambouly (Hagar)

Contact Information

Government of Egypt
Tel: Not Known

Shaun Bakamoso

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