General Information
Organisation Type/Location: Company in United States
Business Sector(s):
Oil And Gas Industry – Exploration & Production, Marketing & Distribution, Oil and Gas (General), Refining

Nature of Business
Exxon Mobil Corporation conducts business in more than 200 countries around the world, whether it’s exploration and production of oil and gas, manufacturing and marketing of fuels, lubes and chemicals, electric power generation or coal and minerals operations. The corporation is headquartered in Irving, Texas. ExxonMobil’s global upstream and chemical companies and its coal and minerals company are headquartered in Houston, Texas. The companies global downstream business is headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia. ExxonMobil also has major regional offices around the world.

Related Organisations
has a share in: ExxonMobil Chad – N’Djamena, Chad
has a share in: ExxonMobil Nigeria – Lagos, Nigeria
has a share in: ExxonMobil Producing Nigeria – Lagos, Nigeria
has a share in: Qatar Liquefied Gas Company Ltd (10%) – Ras Laffan Industrial City, Qatar
has division: ExxonMobil Aviation Lubricants – Europe, Africa & Middle East, Switzerland
has division: ExxonMobil Aviation, Africa/Middle East Fuel Sales – Surrey, United Kingdom
has division: ExxonMobil Marine Fuels – Surrey, United Kingdom
is a member of: Corporate Council on Africa – Washington, United States

Related Facilities
has a share in: Agadem Block – Niger – Onshore Concession in Niger
has a share in: Andromede Marin Field – Congo – Oil Field in Mer Tres Profonde Sud Block, Congo
has a share in: Arthur Field (southern North Sea) – Gas Field in United Kingdom
has a share in: Batuque Field – Oil Field in Block 15, Angola
has a share in: Block 01 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 02 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 03 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 04 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 05 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 06 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 07 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 08 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 09 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 10 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 11 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 12 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 13 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 14 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 15 – Angola – Offshore Concession in Angola (40%)
has a share in: Block 15 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 16 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 17 – Angola – Offshore Concession in Angola (20%)
has a share in: Block 17 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 18 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 19 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 2 Area 92 – Angola – Offshore Concession in Angola
has a share in: Block 20 – Angola – Offshore Concession in Angola (50%)
has a share in: Block 20 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 21 – Angola – Offshore Concession in Angola (20%)
has a share in: Block 21 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 22 – Angola – Offshore Concession in Angola (25%)
has a share in: Block 22 – Sao Tome & Principe – Offshore Concession in Sao Tome and Principe
has a share in: Block 24 – Angola – Offshore Concession in Angola (25%)
has a share in: Block 25 – Angola – Offshore Concession in Angola (35%)
has a share in: Block 31 – Angola: Plutão 1 – Offshore Concession in Angola (25%)
has a share in: Block 32 – Angola: Gindungo Prospect – Offshore Concession in Angola (15%)
has a share in: Block 33 – Angola – Offshore Concession in Angola (45%)
has a share in: Block 53/02 (southern North Sea) – Offshore Concession in United Kingdom
has a share in: Block 9 – Angola – Offshore Concession in Kwanza Basin, Angola (35%)
has a share in: Block B – Equatorial Guinea – Offshore Concession in Equatorial Guinea (71.25%)
has a share in: Block C – Equatorial Guinea – Offshore Concession in Equatorial Guinea (47%)
has a share in: Block J – Equatorial Guinea – Offshore Concession in Equatorial Guinea
has a share in: Camelia Field – Oil Field in Block 17, Angola
has a share in: Chad Cameroon Pipeline – Oil Product Pipeline in Cameroon (40%)
has a share in: Chad Cameroon Pipeline – Oil Product Pipeline in Chad (40%)
has a share in: Chocalho Field – Angola – Oil Field in Block 15, Angola
has a share in: Cravo Field – Oil Field in Block 17, Angola
has a share in: Dalia Field – Angola – Oil Field in Block 17, Angola
has a share in: Ebodje Permit – Cameroon – Offshore Concession in Cameroon (45%)
has a share in: Ebome Marine Permit – Cameroon – Offshore Concession in Cameroon (45%)
has a share in: Erha Field – Nigeria – Oil Field in OPL 209, Nigeria
has a share in: Girassol B Field – Angola – Oil Field in Block 17, Angola
has a share in: Girassol C Field – Angola – Oil Field in Block 17, Angola
has a share in: Jasmin Field – Angola – Oil Field in Block 17, Angola
has a share in: KF Field – Cameroon – Oil Field in Ebome Marin Permit, Cameroon
has a share in: Kissanje Field – Oil Field in Block 15, Angola
has a share in: Mavacola – Oil Field in Block 15, Angola
has a share in: Mbulumbumbu Field – Oil Field in Block 15, Angola
has a share in: Mer Tres Profonde Nord Block – Congo – Offshore Concession in Congo (30%)
has a share in: Mer Tres Profonde Sud Block – Congo – Offshore Concession in Congo (30%)
has a share in: Mondo Field – Oil Field in Block 15, Angola
has a share in: Moudi Field – Cameroon – Oil Field in Cameroon
has a share in: OPL 209 – Nigeria – Offshore Concession in Nigeria
has a share in: OPL 214 – Nigeria – Offshore Concession in Nigeria
has a share in: OPL 222 – Nigeria – Offshore Concession in Nigeria
has a share in: Orquidea Field – Oil Field in Block 17, Angola
has a share in: Rosa/Lirio Field – Angola – Oil Field in Block 17, Angola
has a share in: Saxi Field – Angola – Oil Field in Block 15, Angola
has a share in: Semba – Oil Field in Block 24, Angola (50%)
has a share in: Societe Africaine de Raffinage (SAR] – Simple Oil Refinery (11.8%)
has a share in: Societe Gabonaise de Raffinage (SOGARA) – Simple Oil Refinery in Port Gentil, Gabon (11.7%)
has a share in: Société Nationale de Raffinage (SoNaRa) – Simple Oil Refinery in Limbe, Cameroon (8%)
has a share in: Tulipa Field – Oil Field in Block 17, Angola
has a share in: Vicango Field – Oil Field in Block 15, Angola
has a share in: Victoria Field – Cameroon – Oil Field in Moudi Permit, Cameroon
has a share in: Zafiro Field – Cameroon – Oil Field in Equatorial Guinea (71.25%)
operates: Block 24 – Angola – Offshore Concession in Angola

Related Projects
is principal in: Chad – Cameroon Crude Oil Pipeline (34.6%)
is principal in: Erha deepwater oil project
is principal in: Girassol and Dalia Oil Field Development Block 17 – Angola
is principal in: Power plant planned by Exxon Mobil
is principal in: Qatargas-2 LNG prpject
is principal in: Qatargas-4 LNG project (30%)
is principal in: West Niger Delta LNG Development – Nigeria
is principal in: Xikomba Field Developments Block 15 – Angola (40%)
is principal in: Yoho oilfield – Nigeria

Industry Activities by Country
Exploration & Production – Angola

ExxonMobil has interests in several production and exploration facilities in Angola.

Exploration & Production – Cameroon

ExxonMobil has interests in several producing oilfields in offshore Cameroon.

Exploration & Production – Nigeria

Through its subsidiaries in Nigeria, ExxonMobil has a 40% interest in several producing fields in Nigeria.

President: Mr R Tillerson (Rex)
Vice President for Africa/Middle East: Mr K Evans (Kenneth)

Contact Information

ExxonMobil Corporation
Office Address:
5959 Las Colinas Blvd.
United States

Shaun Bakamoso

Greetings. I'm Shaun Bakamoso, and I'm thrilled to be your guide through the dynamic world of business news in South Africa here at With a passion for staying informed and a keen interest in the ever-evolving landscape of business, I've dedicated myself to providing you with timely, insightful, and comprehensive coverage of the latest developments impacting the South African economy. / Instagram